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Tuesday, July 02, 2024



Ed Schlee said...

Both 100% true!

Cdadbr said...

Who was it that said they didn't have to worry about destroying the USA, as it would be best for them to wait for the citizenry to do it themselves? Well, we several steps farther along that path now!

Let's see, a "bribe" is a "gratuity" if it happens after the fact? Which now means the NRA will have to state their "gratuities" are from the year prior, not the current year? The issue with Justice Thomas could get sticky, in that respect.

Justice Robers, on page 18 of his majority opinion, stated that the "motive" behind "actions" can not be a part of the "public actions" vs "private actions" discussion. YET actions speak louder than words! Motive, like intent, is easy to find and consider.

In all of their zeal to rule effectively, it appears that many Justices do NOT consider where their rulings might end up. How an opportunistic person could distort them to their liking and perceived benefit. Including the possibility that, like a 3rd world country, a US President could order the death of somebody they did not like? THAT can be an issue. THAT can be a huge problem! AND, it could also mean "a King" can order the surrender of all firearms in private possession, too! Even if they might have voted for this person!

The end of the Chevron Deference also can mean the end of all federal consumer protection agencies. Why? Because the ORIGINAL US Constitution did not mention such. LOTS of little things we have been accustomed to relying upon for clean food, environment, and "financial dealings", plus social progress, have all been nullified by justices which align with "The Federalist Society". Yet it was a Conservative President which signed the act creating the EPA in the 1960s.

whkattk said...

With the SCOTUS ruling the Grand Experiment that was the USA is over. The founding principles have been stripped away. Evidently, Justice is NOT blind, and some individuals ARE above the law.

JiEL said...

After this unbelievable ruling of SCOTUS USA is showing how it is now a country where no one or any officials could be accountable for their actions not even a «king president» or a SCOTUS Justice like Thomas etc.

No one is going to make action against his political friends to make him accountable for actions against the Constitution.

It's a ping pong game where no one can be prosecuted even when the proofs are very very real and in sight of all the country.

uptonking said...

Is sad. And makes no sense. Remember when money was the only evil?

Ramón said...

Historians have all been like Ms Cleo & Walter Mercado, waiting for the process to begin.

Anonymous said...

Trickle down has now come to the supreme court in the form of the trickle down of our rights and the trickle down of a Supreme Court endorsed form of fascist tyranny :( - Rj

whkattk said...

Yesterday's ruling will have a devastating effect.

How long will it be before a governor or mayor decide to make the same claims of immunity?

SickoRicko said...

Everyone - The future is looking very dark.

Zimbo said...

The pittance Vladimir Putin spent on scuttling our 2016 election cycle was clearly the best investment he ever made. :(