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Sunday, July 28, 2024


He'll fix it alright...




  1. These so-called christians who are so far removed from the teachings of their christ that they have been beguiled by a false idol and prophet to end all idols and prophets. Lunatics all. I'd like to think it can't get worse, but oh lordy, lordy I know it will.

  2. That roomful of "christians" cheered and applauded his statement about never having to vote again if they elect him. I'm beginning to think they really are too stupid to understand.

  3. This Trump as candidate is such a none sense seen from outside USA. NEVER such a felon, rapist and thief would be even thinking of present himself for any office here in Canada. Well seems that in Evangelical minds, they will pardon him.....

  4. It seems that anything Trump might say, his followers will cheer him on as if they are supporting anything he might say. Even if it's not true, correct, or doable. "Just vote for me one more time", sound so good to some, taking ONE more little irritant to life out of the mix. Yet they have not considered the "two steps farther" that such a situation would really mean! All they seem to want is to be wrapped in his alleged cocoon of "safety".

    Project 25? A more extreme version of prior "Bills of Rights" Republicans have published over the years. Most of which were not needed, not wanted, not desired by the populace. Most vanished after the election, no matter who won, it seems. THIS time is different, though, due to the dynamics of Trump involved!

    For example, their definition of "porn" would probably take this blog away and put all of its readers/participants behind bars, among other things! It would also possibly mean that The Bible" would be banished, too? Leaving "the self-annointed once" to RULE over the country, at their discretion! As THEY re-write The Bible to their liking, in the process. I don't believe than any reasonable person/citizen really wants that!


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.