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Sunday, June 23, 2024



Big Dude said...

Amen,amen amen!

Cdadbr said...

To my Abramson's point, the reason these learned people are not "heard" is that THEY were compartmentalized by conservatives as part of the "Fake News" orientation. As such, what they say means NOTHING to the MAGA-oriented voters. Who ONLY believe what DJT says, as only HE knows what is going on. Although his actions do not support the "great times" of his comments.

DJT said he was going to build a "big, beautiful wall" to stop illegal immigration. Everybody cheered, not realizing it would take years to fully complete OR that resourceful cartels and immigrants had been getting past such visible obstacles for years. Mountain climbing equipment and TUNNELS underground, for example. Yet DJT said it would get done, waved his arms (as if waving a Chinese-nade magic wand) and they are happy.

Everybody wants to feel happy. DJT gave them that feeling, so they voted for him. No matter that he and his associates did far more harm, even to the people who voted for him, than they might ever suspect. Kind of like that rick uncle that claims he'll reimburse his kids for the cost of their kids' college expenses, then never does.

VoenixRising said...

ALL of this!