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Thursday, June 20, 2024



Big Dude said...

Hear! Hear!

Cdadbr said...

Are we seeing just how slow our court system normally operates for "a speedy trial" OR are wee seeing a justice system that wants to ensure they "get it right" to thwart any possibility of a mis-trial or valid appeals? Knowing that our justice system likes to prosecute offenders it has a 90+% chance of convicting.

We KNOW that Trump is special, so extra care is needed, for best results. End result is that by the time he finally gets to prison, the public will go "Who, him? HE should have been in jail years ago." AND conservatives begin to realize just how much damage DJT did to the country AND their political party. Realizing, too, just how little progress was really made during those times, too. When they finally start to realize just how much extra money their "climate denials" are costing them each month in higher insurance costs, not from normal "inflation". Realizing, too, how "blockading" rather than offering "viable alternatives" should have been done long ago, but wasn't as it obviously took too much effort, so they took "the easy way out". As many are replaced by younger people who actually understand "cost-benefit analysis".

uptonking said...

Well... let's just hold our breath. But then... this is America. So? You might end up passing out.

whkattk said...

We can only get rid of him and his acolytes by voting them all OUT of office. And, maybe we can get lucky and Bannon will get shanked in the prison showers.

Anonymous said...

If Martha got 5, then Trumpy should at least get 34.:) Repugs will always play that their leader is a victim, as they did and do for Trump, Nixon, Hoover and Harding. After the debacles of Watergate, the Great Depression, Tea Pot Dome and now the Insurrection you think they would give it a rest. Instead they keep their destructive shit- fest going, so power hungry are they. As for Bannon and his impending imprisonment, he will either flee the country and live on one of his Chinese or Russian oligarchs yachts, or play the victim of his own self destructive undoing. And that’s the problem, they are self destructive and they want to take all of us with them.:(
- Rj

JiEL said...

The mauin point is that your USA justice system (the court ones) are so rigged by the fact that all of those jusdges appointies are either Democrats or Republicans in their core.
Just liatenning to the constant whining of Trump against the Merchan Dem bias toward him BUT never complained about the Florida unexperienced judge he dit nominate himself there.

ALL in your society is or Democrat or Republican so not suprising with the polarizing of your people and worse since Trump transformed the Republicans as MAGA cult one.

Milleson said...

I'd like to comment on both the LOOZER and RELIGION posts. I think I've conceived the final and best solution to our problems:

Divide the country into 3 zones; a West Coast quarter, an East Coast quarter and a Middle half.
Have all the repugs and magas move into the middle zone and all the Democrats move to either the West or East Coast zones.
Establish new governments in each zone, with the Coastal zones sharing an ideology with and allied against the middle zone.
Observe which governments thrive and which government fails to survive. See which zone advances technology for a better future for its people and which zone lovingly drags its people into the past with archaic thinking and religion.
When a natural disaster occurs, watch which zones have government-assisted programs to fund the repair and damage caused and which tells its citizens "You're on your own, we represent small government and we stay out of your business." "Thoughts and prayers though, your god will surely provide for you."
There will be no need for the Coastal zones to build the "walls" to keep the central population out because they will have already built them to keep the Coastal population out of their zone.

And the best part---the two Coastal zones will each have a Disneyland as a vacation destination and the Central zone will have the Corn Palace in South Dakota and the border wall in Texas, with Ted Cruz acting as tour guide.

I've found the solution for us, therfore we are not part of the problem. You're welcome!!!

Anonymous said...

Texas Republicans have thought of seceding Texas from the USA. I say go for it !!! About time they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and jockstraps.:)
They can pay their own way afterall they have the wealth, instead of being bailed out with blue state tax dollars every time Texas has a flood, hail storm, hurricane or tornado. Of course it will never happen, they’re use to their free lunch and ride. God forbid they should pay their own way.