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Sunday, June 02, 2024



Mistress Maddie said...

I think they meant 37 didn't they? LMAO!!!!

And Kimberly Guillfoyle at the podium. That cheap harpie.

Big Dude said...

Siege, heil. Der Faschismus kommt.

JiEL said...

Banning books in a «freedom of speech country» is like banning candies in a grocery store.

It's one sign of coming fascism into a country and more also like a country beocoming no better than sharia law countries where women has no rights.

Anonymous said...

Wer die Geschichte ignoriert, ist dazu verdammt, die Geschichte zu wiederholen.
Wir Deutschen tragen den Makel von Hitler und der Nazizeit, last nicht zu, dass Amerika das passiert.
Es ist schockerend zu sehen, wie Menschen in Amerika Taktiken Nazi-Stil amwenden. Sie sind ekelhaft und SCHAMLOS !

SickoRicko said...

Anon@2:59pm - Ich stimme dir vollkommen zu.

Xersex said...

Many countries in the world are taking a terrible, repressive and bigoted drift (alas, including Italy). Look what is happening in Hungary, Pakistan and Iran.

SickoRicko said...

Xersex - Actually, it's very frightening.

Xersex said...

It's true that nothing is guaranteed forever. Especially when it comes to rights.