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Thursday, May 02, 2024


I was writing an email to a friend this morning about the condition of politics and mentioned that we're "going to hell in a hand­basket". That got me to wondering about the origin of that saying. It was surprising:

In the 19th century, the phrase has been found asso­ci­ated with the Ameri­can gold rush of the 1840s where men were lowered by hand in baskets down mining shafts to set explo­sives, which could have deadly consequences.


JiEL said...

We havew a similar sentence in French:"On est tous dans le même panier.." We're all in the same basket...
In regard of our planet, our only one, we should more be attentive of what we do in our every day actions.
Earth is already reacting to our bad behaviours.

whkattk said...

Nice tidbit of information, Rick!

@ JiEL - Saw an interview last evening about climate change wherein the expert said scientists knew as far back as the late 1950s that human activity is the cause.

Milleson said...

Have to wonder how many of the baskets came back up with only the handle. A dangerous job for sure.

Mistress Maddie said...

I always wondered that too. And that comic is a crack up!!

Sean Kelly said...

Had a dream once that my best friend from college and I were in a dilapidated train car traveling very fast and not really on tracks.

Someone yelled out "Next stop HELL." I yelled back "NO, I was told there would be a hand basket! Give me!"

JiEL said...

@whkattk, I also saw another science TV show where they mentionned that pollution by use of gas was known since the beginning of the 20th century.
Some car inventors did make the first electric car but the oil companies soon bought the patent and hid them to save their lucratif dirty businesses.

Xersex said...

in Italy, we say: we are all in the same boat.

whkattk said...

@ JiEL - Yep. The electric car was actually first....the gas powered (I think) came about because they wanted more power to move faster.