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@BigDude. Because they're lazy. Thinking is hard. They work and just want to be at home with their families. But flying the flag is easy. Put two up in your yard and somehow you're more patriotic than your neighbor...it's all odd and I don't understand it. I turned 18 in 1980 and have voted in every federal election since.
When I think about it, most of the people who don't vote are lazy.
Maybe too many Americans are tired of the lack of choices given to them with this only two parties system and also that their votes aren't so much important as your Electoral College can screw the outcome of an election.
Many other democracies and republics like in France have many parties which can more span the offer of different politics.
For your Constitution, as I always said, needs to be modernized from the 18th century era where many advanced technologies where not even imaginable.
JiEL is right, there are benefits to the parliamentary system. The Electoral College has got to go. More parties force each of them to work together to form coalitions. The downside is that the Prime Minister can, in effect, become like a dictator.
When I moved to Canada, Stephen Harper did an awful lot of damage as far as I was concerned. And there was nothing I could do because the socialists were so fractured. Until they weren't.
"LestField, Sure Stepheh Harper did some bad decisions but here in Canada, the parliament can always fight and at the next election every four years the people can vote him and his party out. Today, Justin Trudeau is leading with a minority way and did get the NDP to help him remain in office. This you would never see in USA as the MAGA GOP will never go bi partisan to help the American people.
Some difference is also on the leadership of parties which makes him not a dictator but a leader who will take advices from his whole cabinet and even from the other parties.
One thing you'll never see here is an insurection like Jan. 6.
Then why aren't these unappreciative shitheads out there voting?
ReplyDelete@BigDude. Because they're lazy. Thinking is hard. They work and just want to be at home with their families. But flying the flag is easy. Put two up in your yard and somehow you're more patriotic than your neighbor...it's all odd and I don't understand it. I turned 18 in 1980 and have voted in every federal election since.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about it, most of the people who don't vote are lazy.
JK Galbraith is a Canadian economist. I love his quote, "The sighs of the wealthy will always silence the screams of the poor."
ReplyDeleteLeftField - That's a good quote.
ReplyDeleteMaybe too many Americans are tired of the lack of choices given to them with this only two parties system and also that their votes aren't so much important as your Electoral College can screw the outcome of an election.
ReplyDeleteMany other democracies and republics like in France have many parties which can more span the offer of different politics.
For your Constitution, as I always said, needs to be modernized from the 18th century era where many advanced technologies where not even imaginable.
JiEL is right, there are benefits to the parliamentary system. The Electoral College has got to go. More parties force each of them to work together to form coalitions. The downside is that the Prime Minister can, in effect, become like a dictator.
ReplyDeleteWhen I moved to Canada, Stephen Harper did an awful lot of damage as far as I was concerned. And there was nothing I could do because the socialists were so fractured. Until they weren't.
ReplyDeleteSure Stepheh Harper did some bad decisions but here in Canada, the parliament can always fight and at the next election every four years the people can vote him and his party out.
Today, Justin Trudeau is leading with a minority way and did get the NDP to help him remain in office. This you would never see in USA as the MAGA GOP will never go bi partisan to help the American people.
Some difference is also on the leadership of parties which makes him not a dictator but a leader who will take advices from his whole cabinet and even from the other parties.
One thing you'll never see here is an insurection like Jan. 6.