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Sunday, November 26, 2023



Big Dude said...

Leider sehts mir aus, dass der Faschismus bald kommen wird.

LeftField said...

Du, so glaub' ich auch.

Cdadbr said...

People over her, in present time, will probably say "It can't happen here. This is a democracy." BUT when they voted Trump in, they started the enablements for it to happen. When Trump started to idolize Putin, that was a big red flag, but many ignored it. Then when he termed a particular group "Nice people", that worsened things a lot. And NOW Trump want's back in, talking about all of the things HE will do if re-elected, which are "un-democratic".

Dictators appear "strong", which some like, BUT they are not Leaders. They just got into a position where they always get their way in everything. Now that Trump's "way" is being threatened, as his influence is decreasing, he's indicating just how much of a leader he was not. Just somebody who bullied his wan into things and little more.

JiEL said...

Some Americans, the far right extremist, are going to put USA in a bad path IF this Orange dictator wana be could get in the White House.

He is spreading so many threats over his «ennemies» that it will be a real purge of the democratic system. Also, he will not do the same «mistake» of his first term as now he will put by his side all YES people who will lick his feet and never contredict him.

I'm eager to see how USA will end up next year.
My best guess would be a «dictator» in the White House with two Democrat chambers to stop all of his actions.

What is to expect is that «maybe» the army or any sensible officias could stop him in his foolish desire to go against his «ennemies».

So many intrigues to come in that USA final season....