WARNING:This blog contains copious amounts of adultGAY material. If that's offensive to you, please leave now. All pix have been gleaned from the internets so, if you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies. I REPEAT:If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.
There will always be a discussion about "pound vs pedigree", I suppose. My husband and I are 100% dog men - meaning we have a real affinity for dogs, not that we are dogs (HA!). We adopted two Irish Setters and raised them in our loft until they died of old age a few years ago. We would never buy a dog from a breeder or a pet seller. That's just not us. But, like most people, we're inconsistent since we also raised 5 children and we didn't adopt any of them. In retrospect, maybe we should have. They might have a little more gratitude for the good life than the ones we bred. Just saying. Perge!
I just discovered your blog about a week ago, and since then I've been gorging on it day-by-day like I just found a whole supermarket of my favorite foods! It's rare to find someone that can combine porn, politics, religion, humor and general interest pics into a single blog; much less one that captures me so completely that I have been working post by post back through your archives to make sure I don't miss a thing. So kudos to you my friend! You wholeheartedly deserve it!
Until now, I haven't really responded or posted anything as I am still getting a feel around here and the general vibe before I jump in the pool - dipping my toe, so to speak. But after reading Rad's comments above, I felt I should offer an opinion.
I am the very happy father of a 5-year old male American Pit Bull Terrier (my first) that I adopted about three months ago from my county animal shelter. I don't know where Rad is from but I am from rural Georgia and eerily similar to his shelter, about 90% of the dogs available for adoption in my county are pitties. I can't speak to the training or conditioning of my particular one (his name is Harvey) as he was found on the roadside, but can say that he is extraordinarily well socialized and shows absolutely no aggression toward people or other animals - hell, his best friend is a stray cat that shows up in my yard occasionally. He's just this big, laid back, 70lb bag of love that wags his tail in his sleep and only seems to want to please.
Wait, did I get the broken one? Not according to any scientific body that actually has an learned opinion - there is absolutely no data that Pit Bull breeds are any more genetically predisposed to aggressive behavior or anatomically built to be more aggressive with "locking jaws" or the "inability to feel pain." Pit Bulls (who account for less than 13% of reported dog bits annually) got a bad rap because of the whole Michael Vick and dog-fighting... since then, they seem to be the only breed that makes the news cycles if they do bite someone.
In point of fact, the America Temperament Test Society (https://atts.org/), a national organization which annually tests breeds and rates them for stability, shyness, aggressiveness, and friendliness as well as the dog’s instinct for protectiveness and self-preservation rates Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, and most small breed dogs as having *worse* temperament than Pit Bulls.
Now - off my soapbox... :) I think it's terrible what Rad went through but frankly to blame an entire breed for one dog's behavior is like trying characterize and formalize racial stereotypes. Spreading misinformation or an opinion as fact is seemingly natural today, but damaging in the end. I am happy to see that you pointed out the most likely reality - the owner and the [probable lack of] training instead of the dog itself in Rad's particular sad case; both Rad and the dog are victims as I am sure the dog was unhappy about the whole thing as well. Pit Bulls are natural alpha dogs, and need a firm hand and positive reinforcement training to keep them (and owners!) happy.
I will excitingly be diving into your posts even further and you have found a devoted follower!
Scott from Massachusetts said...
ReplyDeleteLo❤️ve all the pics Rick.
The first one will make me smile all day.
Thanks Rick
Rad - I'm glad you realize that it's mostly the owners that are the problem with that breed.
ReplyDeleteThere will always be a discussion about "pound vs pedigree", I suppose. My husband and I are 100% dog men - meaning we have a real affinity for dogs, not that we are dogs (HA!). We adopted two Irish Setters and raised them in our loft until they died of old age a few years ago. We would never buy a dog from a breeder or a pet seller. That's just not us. But, like most people, we're inconsistent since we also raised 5 children and we didn't adopt any of them. In retrospect, maybe we should have. They might have a little more gratitude for the good life than the ones we bred. Just saying. Perge!
ReplyDeleteHi Rick -
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog about a week ago, and since then I've been gorging on it day-by-day like I just found a whole supermarket of my favorite foods! It's rare to find someone that can combine porn, politics, religion, humor and general interest pics into a single blog; much less one that captures me so completely that I have been working post by post back through your archives to make sure I don't miss a thing. So kudos to you my friend! You wholeheartedly deserve it!
Until now, I haven't really responded or posted anything as I am still getting a feel around here and the general vibe before I jump in the pool - dipping my toe, so to speak. But after reading Rad's comments above, I felt I should offer an opinion.
I am the very happy father of a 5-year old male American Pit Bull Terrier (my first) that I adopted about three months ago from my county animal shelter. I don't know where Rad is from but I am from rural Georgia and eerily similar to his shelter, about 90% of the dogs available for adoption in my county are pitties. I can't speak to the training or conditioning of my particular one (his name is Harvey) as he was found on the roadside, but can say that he is extraordinarily well socialized and shows absolutely no aggression toward people or other animals - hell, his best friend is a stray cat that shows up in my yard occasionally. He's just this big, laid back, 70lb bag of love that wags his tail in his sleep and only seems to want to please.
Wait, did I get the broken one? Not according to any scientific body that actually has an learned opinion - there is absolutely no data that Pit Bull breeds are any more genetically predisposed to aggressive behavior or anatomically built to be more aggressive with "locking jaws" or the "inability to feel pain." Pit Bulls (who account for less than 13% of reported dog bits annually) got a bad rap because of the whole Michael Vick and dog-fighting... since then, they seem to be the only breed that makes the news cycles if they do bite someone.
In point of fact, the America Temperament Test Society (https://atts.org/), a national organization which annually tests breeds and rates them for stability, shyness, aggressiveness, and friendliness as well as the dog’s instinct for protectiveness and self-preservation rates Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, and most small breed dogs as having *worse* temperament than Pit Bulls.
Now - off my soapbox... :) I think it's terrible what Rad went through but frankly to blame an entire breed for one dog's behavior is like trying characterize and formalize racial stereotypes. Spreading misinformation or an opinion as fact is seemingly natural today, but damaging in the end. I am happy to see that you pointed out the most likely reality - the owner and the [probable lack of] training instead of the dog itself in Rad's particular sad case; both Rad and the dog are victims as I am sure the dog was unhappy about the whole thing as well. Pit Bulls are natural alpha dogs, and need a firm hand and positive reinforcement training to keep them (and owners!) happy.
I will excitingly be diving into your posts even further and you have found a devoted follower!
Thanks again!
RBS - Wow, thanks for your comment. Be careful not to go blind looking through the archives. :)