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Monday, November 28, 2022


This photo, called “The Kiss of Life”, shows utility worker J.D. Thompson giving mouth-to-mouth to co-worker Randall G. Cham­pion after the latter went unconscious following contact with a low voltage line.

The two had been per­form­ing routine maintenance when Champion accidentally brushed one of the low voltage lines at the top of the utility pole and went uncon­scious. Fortunately, his safety harness pre­vent­ed a fall. Thompson, who had been working close by, quickly reached Champion and performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Thompson was unable to perform CPR given the circumstances, but he breathed into Champion’s lungs until he felt a slight pulse, then unbuckled his harness and carried him down on his shoulders. Thompson and another worker admin­is­tered CPR on the ground, and Champion was moderately revived by the time para­medics arrived, eventually making a full recovery.

Champion lived an extra 35 years. He died in 2002 at the age of 64.

Click -HERE- for a five-year-old interview with J.D. Thompson on the 50th anniversary of the event and to learn about the photographer.


  1. I know it's an attempt at resuscitation with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but romantics see it as a passionate and heroic kiss.

  2. I don't see anything erotic here.

  3. That man was lucky his co-worker knew what to do. Amazing.

  4. Chris, now in SeattleNovember 29, 2022 6:49 AM

    This photograph has always fascinated me. The event happened less than a mile from where I grew up in JAX, FL. I remember when the photo appeared in our local newspaper. Randall Champion's mother went to our church, and was a very good friend of my grandmother's. Everyone was moved by the rescuer's heroism and the dramatic circumstances of the rescue. And we were amazed that the newspaper photographer just happened upon the scene to take this amazing photo.

  5. SeattleChris - Very neat that you were so close with the people involved.

  6. thank you for posting this story for us all again... it nearly makes me weep...

    ...and Big Dude.. it's not SUPPOSED to be erotic...


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.