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Tuesday, July 12, 2022


From The Week magazine (0617.2022),
"Talking Points" section (no link) (images from me)

2024: The GOP plan to nullify election results

The GOP's strategy for 2024 is now clear: challenge all elec­tion losses and "cause chaos" in heavily Democratic districts, said Heidi Przybyla in Politico. A top Republican operative in Michigan was recently record­ed discussing plans to recruit "an army" of party-trained poll workers, who, unlike poll watch­ers, have direct influ­ence over vote-counting pro­ce­dures. Thousands of MAGA followers have volunteered for this task, most of whom be­lieve Donald Trump's Big Lie of rampant voter fraud in 2020. If installed as poll workers, they would be connected with GOP lawyers and "party-friendly district attorneys who could intervene to block vote counts" in Democratic-leaning districts across the country. Then Republican state legislatures would have an excuse to ignore election results and choose a slate of Republican electors. This sophisticated "precinct strategy" is being led by Steve Bannon, the Machiavellian former Trump strategist, said Eric Lutz in Vanity Fair. Bannon took part in the failed effort to overturn 2020's results, but this time he plans to "hijack the infrastructure of the election system."

The GOP's anti-democratic efforts are based on a simple premise, said Greg Sargent in The Washington Post: "Much of the voting in Democratic areas should be presumed ille­giti­mate." Most Republi­cans now insist that "voting is pure and unsullied" in rural areas domi­nated by Republi­cans, but "marred by wide­spread fraud" in cities with lots of non­white Democrats. To ensure a Re­pub­lican victory in 2024, Trump­ists have even created an "America First" slate of 2020 election deniers running for various state offices, said Alexandra Berzon in The New York Times. America First candidates have a good shot at winning powerful offices in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan -- four swing states "where a relatively small number of ballots have decided presidential victories."

The 2020 insurrection has become an "institutionalized" movement, said Jonathan Chait in New York magazine. Tellingly, the Bannon operation "has met virtually no intra­party resistance," with GOP officials widely agreeing that all "Dem­o­cratic election vic­to­ries are inherently illegiti­mate." In 2020, Trump's efforts to over­turn the election "spectacularly failed," and cul­minated in the Jan. 6 violent assault on Con­gress. The next time, the goal is to "suc­cess­fully and legally contest and overturn an un­fa­vor­able elec­tion outcome."

And it just
may work.

Wake Up
And Vote Blue!!

Or learn to live under theocratic fascism.


  1. IF Trump would NEVER face justice for ALL the crimes he did or the ones he asked for as the Jan 6 is brigthly showing, the latest survey of GOP fans showed that 49% of those brainless MAGA idiot would support him for 2024 presidential election. 25% were for Ron DeSantis who is no more better and made Florida a religious dictature where human rigths are beaten up.

    USA is going to be less and less a democracy in this future of uneducated leaders.

    Thank God, I live in Canada a land of Liberty where ALL refugies from autocratic dictatures are welcome. Soon USA's citizens could flee for safety...

  2. JiEL - I hope Canada has space for everyone.

  3. I am so scared of this that at times I can't sleep.

  4. LOL! We have lot of space as we have a huge country as large as our hearts.

    Here guns, Proud Boys are illegal and no issue about sex orientation, religion or race.

    We aren't complaining about gas price even if it's around $8.00 per gallon and surely don't blame it on our Prime Minister.

    Welcome to a real «Land of Liberty».

  5. Big Dude - Me too!

    JiEL - You make it very tempting.

  6. JiEl je ne doute pas de ta sincérité
    Que le Canada a changé et c est heureux , mais il y eu une époque ou un certain Blair a dit «zero c est déjà trop»

  7. @Anonymous 10h19,

    J'avoue ne pas connaitre ce M. Blair. Cet homme pour moi a été premier ministre de l'Angleterre et il n'a jamais été un homme politique canadien.

    Présentement le Canada est une terre d'accueil pour des milliers d'immigrants dont les derniers sont ukrainiens. En plus au chemin Roxham près de chez moi à Montréal, plus d'une centaines de «réfugiés» illégaux traversent à pied notre frontière avec les USA.
    Curieusement, ils semblent pas vouloir rester aux USA et sont en provenance du moyen orient ou de l'Amérique du Sud.

    Oui, le Canada est accueillant pour ceux qui veulent contribuer à notre société libre et inclusive.

  8. The hearing was QUITE eye-opening. Vigilance in needed...and people need to get out and VOTE!

  9. Jiel ..Je parle de l époque du navire saint louis...avec toutes mes excuses je suis conscient que c est vieux ...ma grand mère me rabâcher cette histoire du fait qu une de ces tantes a vécu l errance. Et n est jamais revenu...il est bien entendu que le présent est différent

  10. @Anonymous

    Je pense que nos références mutuelles ne sont pas en phase.
    Le navire «Saint Louis» aussi ne me dit rien dans l'histoire de mon pays.

    1. Le paquebot saint louis 937 réfugiés juifs d Allemagne qui furent refoulé dans tous l atlantique de Cuba aux USA et du Canada pour finir pratiquement au point de départ
      ....un passé révolu pour les migrants je l espère

  11. Your advice to «vote blue» seems to me a very high fantasy in a country where those GOP thugs can overturn any elections and gerrymander the voting lists or anyone voting rights.

    In a way, your democracy is leaking by the way your elections are made.

    All those GOP secretary of red states have all in their power to overturn any elections. As the SCOTUS, all levels of politics in USA is biased and polarized in a bad way.

  12. JiEL - The GOP can't overturn any elections they want, whenever they want - at this time. If the plan in this article somehow comes to fruition, then they will try it. Then gawd help us. The current SCOTUS is not helping matters.

  13. Jiel.. pour être honnête le gouvernement français n est pas très bon avec les migrants musulmans....l avenir n est viable que si l on a digéré le passé...la France a mal au ventre..;-)

  14. After the failure of Jan 6 «coup», all is possible to maintain those Retrumplicons in power. Never know how stupid actions could be made from them.

    Even yesterday in the Jan. 6 commitee two ex Oath Keepers told them that USA's elections are in danger from now on......

  15. JiEL - That's why I made this post, to warn people.

  16. @ Anonymous,

    Ces faits se sont passé en 1939 au moment où la deuxième guerre mondiale était en développement.

    Je ne comprend pas toutes les implications menant au refus entre autre du Canada de les accueillir car nous avons une grande communauté juive à Montréal et ailleurs aussi au Canada anglais.

    C'est d'une époque révolue et bien triste.



Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.