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Friday, April 22, 2022


A bit of a long read but worth it...

An ocean of noise: how sonic pollution is hurting marine life

Today’s oceans are a tumult of engine roar, artificial sonar and seismic blasts that make it impossible for marine creatures to hunt or communicate. We could make it stop, so why don’t we?

"Today, ocean waters are a tumult of engine noise, sonar and seismic blasts. Sediments from human activities on land cloud the water. Industrial chemicals befuddle the sense of smell of aquatic animals. We are severing the sensory links that gave the world its animal diversity. Whales cannot hear the echolocating pulses that locate their prey, breeding fish cannot find one another amid the noise and turbidity, and the social connections among crustaceans are weakened as their chemical messages and sonic thrums are lost in a haze of human pollution."


VoenixRising said...

WE are the BORG. We live to consume everything in our path.

Xersex said...

let's hope humanity will become wiser

luv chocolate said...

Love the penguins on the iceberg, i'm afraid we are destroying this planet!

SickoRicko said...

Luv - I'm afraid of that same thing.