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Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Milleson said...

Had to read up on this story. I am very aware of my country's dark history and how it has been virtually erased from the educational curriculum in our schools. The carnage inflicted on the indigenous Indians and the deplorable treatment of slaves to name two. This subject reveals that Canada's history has some dark periods also and for that matter, no country in existence today has a clean record concerning their treatment of their own people. The mistreatment and murder of human beings is written in our world's historical DNA and we all share that unspeakable shame.

SickoRicko said...

Milleson - Imperialism kills.

JiEL said...

All those sad carnages from the past was part of the infamous surge to assimilate indegenous people to the Catholic Church.

The Spain did also some massacre of the Incas to gain their gold.

For those more early in time of these Canadian Catholic schools to assimilate our indegenous people was a combine effort by the Church but was funded by our then Federal government under, first, Prime Minister John A. MacDonald.

Today in many cities in Canada there are people who wants to get down his monuments and change names of many official buildings named after him.

Here in Montreal, we have changed the name of a street, Amherst, to a indegenus name «Attateken» (friendship) because that 19th century governor did order to give the indegenous some blankets infected with small pocks to kill them and erase those people.

So many bad actions of our encestors to be told and that we have to regret and get forgiveness from those who were affected by those sad actions.

Our Canadian federal government and provincial governments too are putting in place actions to help our indegenous people to heal and have a better life from now.

So much to do.

Unknown said...


SickoRicko said...

JiEL - Yes, so much to do. Very sad history.

uptonking said...

This is crazy stuff. No wonder the Repulsivecans want to erase history... Everybody is a bad guy...

whkattk said...

Disgusting what has been done to indigenous people.