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Tuesday, March 09, 2021



JiEL said...

No 2 & 3 are about all what «socialism» makes Retrumplicans afraid of: helping ALL Americans to have a better life and therefore include them to the 1% of the wealthiest in USA...

Canada is almost like Norway for most of the way of life there.

Not like USA, our right to vote isn't always in joepardy by the attacks from a far right party who is afraid of the change in the countries demographic.
ALL Canadians over 18yo are automaticaly on EVERY voting lists: federal, provincial and municipal (towns).

When you can send a probe to Mars, sustain a ISS and more, why aren't you able to have technological power to enlist ALL Americans on those voting lists?

SickoRicko said...

JiEL - All your points are very spot-on.

uptonking said...

This is beyond common sense. This is called... look over there. See what they are doing? Why aren't we doing that? I don't understand the resistance to happiness... but then when you live in a country founded on kidnapped labor, stolen land, genocide, racism, sexism, capitalism, religious freedom/persecution and top it off with the densest sense of denial ever witnessed?

What do you expect?

SickoRicko said...

uptonking - That dense denial is a big factor.

Xersex said...

#2 not all countries have universal healthcare etc... to tell the truth!

SickoRicko said...

Xersex - Yes, that's true.