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Tuesday, January 19, 2021


1914 Cadillac

1941 DeSoto

1957 Dodge Custom Royal Lancer


  1. I had a dodge Charger in the early 70s. What a piece of crap it was... LOL.

  2. The E Type Jaguar was one of my favorite in the 60's as I was a teenager.

    My grand father on my dad side owned a black Desoto in the 50's.
    I remember going on a trip in it.
    Those cars were big tanks...
    My father bought in 1956 a deep green Ford 1950 that was our first car.

  3. Love those classic design lines.

  4. 57 was a great year. The world had fine cars and ME. LOL. Granted I was born Oct of that year.😃

  5. The Chevy Impala in the first one: definitely Winchester brothers in Supernatural (are you a Dean? I'm a Sam)
    As for the Jaguar Type E, to me it is a designer's masterpiece (even if not a mechanic's in the early versions).

  6. Grandad had a two-tone blue 58 Dodge Royal with Chryslers trademark push-button transmission. In 1958 he took his European relatives on a crosscountry trip from his home in New Jersey to Independence Missouri to personally meet with the retired President Harry Truman to thank him for his aid to Europe after WW2. Then on the way back to New Jersey they stopped off in Virginia to meet General George Marshall and thank him for his service and the Marshall Plan named for him. Finally, a stop at Arlington National Cemetary to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in thanks to those Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice liberating the world from evil. The whole trip was a memorable thrill for them seeing America where, cars, food and homes where BIG.

  7. Anon@6:39pm - Wow, what a neat story! Thanks.


Nice you must be or delete your ass I will.