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I REPEAT: If you see a picture of yourself that you don't wish to have posted here, please leave a comment on the post and I will remove it with my apologies.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


DISCLAIMER: These statements and any so-called facts that may be contained within are not personally researched by me for accuracy and are merely representative of my feelings about the subject because, after all, why let facts get in the way of selling my political agenda.


whkattk said...

There was a time in this country when health insurance was called Hospitalization. It was meant to strictly cover the need to be admitted to the hospital. That morphed into the system we have now because so many people couldn't afford to see a doctor when they became ill. And low- or no-cost clinics ceased to operate because the providers could no longer get funds donated. For being "the richest country in the world," or "the most caring people in the world," it appears we've become the "greediest people in the world" and the wealth is all at the top .1% - folks like Trump who are interested only in making a buck. Pretty fucking sad...

O!Daddie said...
