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Sunday, September 08, 2013


Thanks Ken!

10 Weirdest Fundamentalist Christian Conspiracy Theories

The world of fundamentalist Christians is crawling with conspiracy theories, urban legends, and just plain bizarre beliefs.

1) Same-sex marriage is an elaborate scheme concocted by lesbians to entrap men.

2) Planned Parenthood is trying to get kids "hooked" on sex.

3) Gay men wear special rings for the sole purpose of giving innocent straights HIV.

4) The abortion-mad Chinese eat human fetuses.

5) Crazed liberals in Illinois want to teach five-year-olds how to have sex.

6) Obama is the Antichrist and plans to rule America by sharia law.

7) Charles Darwin took it all back the day he died.

8) JK Rowling is trying to lure your children into Satanism with her Harry Potter books.

9) Pro-choicers in Texas were planning to pelt the state senate with jars of feces.

10) Birth control pill turns your uterus into a grave littered with teeny-weeny corpses of fully formed babies.

Read their entire arguments HERE.

1 comment:

O!Daddie said...

what's really frightening is how many people actually believe this shit!!